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© 2025 Spira Care. All Rights Reserved. Health plans with exclusive access to Spira Care are available through Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas City, an independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.

A little bit about us

At Spira Care, we put you at the center of everything we do. We foster a partnership between you and your Care Team of doctors, nurse practitioners, and more. We treat you as an individual, not a set of symptoms. We take the time to listen, not rushing you in and out. And we talk with you, not at you.

It is about supporting your health with a full array of primary care services under one roof – at no or low cost and without the stress and complexity. It’s called advanced primary care. And it’s a better healthcare experience.

The Spira Care story.

Every story has a beginning.

Ours began with patients telling us how hard it had become to navigate their way through healthcare. How expensive care was—and how confusing the bills were. And how complex, stressful and impersonal the whole process was.

We listened.

We cared enough to ask what people need — and to listen to the answers. Our research led us to develop Spira Care – an innovative model that combines care and coverage to deliver advanced primary care.

We’re here for you.

At Spira Care Centers, you have access to a Care Team for all of your advanced primary care needs, as well as access to Care Guides for help understanding your benefits and coordinating care. From doctors to nurse practitioners to behavioral health consultants, we are here to support you on your health journey.

clean office space

Experience the Spira Care difference

Put aside what you know about traditional healthcare, because Spira Care is a whole different story. We’ve created a new model of care that puts you at the heart of everything we do.

Hear from Spira Care patients and Care Team members.

We’ve gathered some personal stories of those who deliver care and those who’ve received it through Spira Care.

Don’t have Blue KC health coverage?

Explore Blue KC plans with exclusive access to Spira Care Centers, and start seeing the difference for yourself.

Get answers to your questions.

We’ve put together a handy, informative Q&A section that covers a range of topics.

Spira Care Neighborhood Drawing